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Parable of the Trees Part 4 - Adele

So, What is the moral of the story? What is the religious lesson?

That we should know who we are, wo Good designed us to be, what He has called us to do and to be faithful to that calling. To be content with who we are and what our function is. to not want to be something else or to have a different position because it looks better, than what I have. To not desire the top job to fulfil my agenda and make me feel important. or if it has not been appointed by God.

Sometimes God calls us to roles and responsibilities outside our giftings.

But we must know that God has definitely called us. Because those He calls, He also equips.

Rom8:30, Heb 13:21, Phil 1:6

If God needs someone to fulfil a position and you are a humble and faithful servant, He may call you to fill a role.

This will usually be for a limited time, a season. Because to maintain a role outside your gifting takes a toll and is not sustainable. eg. A teacher who takes on the role of a senior minister for a time to teach foundational concepts and raise people up in their God given calling. They are not good at pastoral care because they are designed to spend much time in study. Once they have completed their task, they should be released again to give themselves to their calling. To remain in the role beyond the season designated by God would lead them to burn out. Sadly, I have seen this happen, but experience brings wisdom. We can learn from our mistakes. When we know better, we do better.

To take a teacher away from they were designed by God to do, is for them to neglect their gift, to be busy doing other things.

This parable expresses this concept beautifully.

When it comes to leading or being leaders in the Church, we understand that God is our Lord and King, first and foremost.

We understand our role and boundaries. We also need to understand our role and boundaries in our giftings and callings.

Just as the Teacher is not designed to fulfil the senior leader role long term, neither are the Prophets or Evangelists. Even the Apostle must be released to fulfil his function. The Pastor is the anchor for the local Church. He needs to there consistently to look after the people. But he needs others to fulfil their role so the people will be equipped. Prophets, Evangelists and Teachers are better as associate ministers and even the Apostle needs to be free to roam.

(This does not mean that he is a lone ranger or not under authority. He is connected and submitted and accountable to others. He is of proven character. His calling is confirmed within his denomination and also recognized throughout the Body of Christ. It means he is freed by his local Church to travel to birth Churches and look after the welfare of those Churches that are under his care. He is not like the Evangelist who births individuals, he births, establishes and cares for Churches and he pastors the Pastors.)

Another thing we can learn from this parable, is the damage that unrighteous leaders can do.

A righteous leader who is called by God will be a blessing to the people. People will be able to come under covering and protection of their leadership. And the people will flourish.

But there are leaders like the “bramble”. They are in it for themselves, not the people.

Like the Pharisees, they like a position of honour. Matt 23:6 They like to be served, not to serve.

They can even be controlling and subtly abusive. Matt 23:14. Watch out if you incur their wrath. Matt 23:34 When these types of people lead, they usually leave destruction in their wake. We can see this in the world when we look at oppressive regimes.

It is important that we don’t allow these kind of leaders in the Church.

If you are called to lead in any capacity, lead where you are. Lead with the giftings God has given you. Produce the fruit you were designed to produce. What you produce is vitally important to the health and well being of the body. Do not despise the small things. We all have an important part to play.

Be an Olive, a Fig or a Vine and be a blessing.