Revelation 1 Part 6 - Charles

Jesus is interested in intimacy, communion, fellowship and relationship with His people... not religion.

He is vitally interested in what happens in His church that He gave His life for... and that He is coming for.

We the believers are His body... we are members of one another.

And Jesus is the Head of this body.

Jesus loves His church.

He guides, directs and nourishes His church through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Enemy Tactics Part 1 - Charles

Nehemiah, whilst rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, faced tremendous opposition from the enemy.

For us... when we work in partnership with the Lord to seeing lives saved, delivered and restored, great opposition will be generated against us from the enemy.

Our enemy, the Devil will give us a hard time... guaranteed!

Parable of the Trees Part 4 - Adele

The Parable of the Trees

So, What is the moral of the story? What is the religious lesson?

That we should know who we are, wo Good designed us to be, what He has called us to do and to be faithful to that calling. To be content with who we are and what our function is. to not want to be something else or to have a different position because it looks better, than what I have. To not desire the top job to fulfil my agenda and make me feel important. or if it has not been appointed by God.