Revelation 16 - Charles

John hears a "great voice" coming out from the temple.

This is none other than the voice of Christ. ☆ Revelation 1:10...

Christ is in complete charge here.

He was the only One found worthy to open the seven-sealed book, and His opening of the seals ushered in this entire series of sevens.

He is the One marching to victory.

All the power, glory, honour and majesty belong to Him.

This is His judgement upon a Christ-rejecting world and the Father has committed all judgement unto Him.

Revelation 14 - Charles

This chapter is like an interlude (in this case, a quick preview of what is to come) in which...

▪ we see the Lamb on Mount Zion.

▪ we hear the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel.

▪ we have the pronouncement of judgement upon Babylon.

▪ we have the pronouncement of judgement on those who receive the mark of the Beast.

▪ hear the praise for those who die in the Lord.

▪ we have a preview of Armageddon.

Revelation Chapter 12 - Part 2 - Charles

When Satan sees he has been cast onto planet earth, he is full of wrath and he's out to do what he does best... wreak havoc on the earth.

Satan hates the Woman and so he persecutes Israel, because it is Israel who brought into the world... Christ the Manchild.

This is the last wave of anti-Semitism that will roll over the world, and it is the worst, because Satan has been cast down to the earth and knows that his time is short.

We now enter a time called Jacob's Trouble.

Revelation Chapter 9 - Charles

In this chapter we look at two trumpet woes.

In the last chapter, chapter 8, Apostle John sees an angel who announces that a peculiar intensity of woe and judgement is coming on the earth.

The last three trumpets are different from the other four... they being "woe" trumpets.

The 3 WOES are intertwined with the last 3 trumpets.

Revelation Chapter 8 - Charles

We do not have to be frightened about what we are reading here in Revelation.

As a child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit to be delivered to Christ when the Church goes out of the world (the Rapture) before the Great Tribulation Period.

This is what the Bible calls "the blessed hope" of the Church. ☆ Titus 2:13...

The 10 R's of the Rapture Part 4 - Charles

● The Rapture is a Scriptural truth... Scriptural teaching...

● The Rapture is a call to walk the walk and talk the talk of holiness... because Jesus can come at any time... we need to be ready.

● The Rapture is a call to urgent ministry to the unsaved... time is running out.

● The Rapture is a call to be excited that Jesus is coming again for His beloved Bride the Church.

☆ 1 John 2:28...

"And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming."

The 10 R's of the Rapture Part 3 - Charles

Jesus is not coming for good people.

He's not coming for people who are religious.

Nor is He coming for people who have undergone some particular Church rite or ritual.

Jesus is coming for those who are "in Him" by trusting Him and personally accepting Him as their Saviour.

He's coming for the "born again" believers.

All who are "in Christ" will be caught up!

This is the glorious mystery of the Rapture!

The 10 R's of the Rapture Part 2 - Charles

☆ Galatians 1:15-17...

"... it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace,

To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach Him among the heathen. Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus."

Paul received divine revelation on the Rapture.

It was not something he made up or cleverly concocted.

God gave him the details of this mystery called the Rapture some 2021+ years ago.