Teamwork - No 4 Communicative - Adele


Communication is important to have a healthy team.

Open communication increases trust.

Trust increases ownership.

Ownership increases participation.

Good communication fosters unity. Psalm 133.

 To improve communication-

Be candid - speak truthfully but kindly. Eph 4:15

Be quick - find the first opportunity to address issues. Eph 4:26

Be inclusive - include others where you can though you need to be discreet with sensitive or personal information. There are times you need to relate one on one for discretion and privacy.

Don’t isolate, communicate. Prov 18:1

Get to know others in the team. It builds trust and understanding.

Make it easy for others to communicate with you.

If you are all prickles no one will be able to get near you and you will be lonely and feel like you don’t belong.

Give time and attention to potentially difficult relationships. Rom 12:18.

Aim to build a working relationship.


Collaboration is more than co-operation.

Each person brings something to the table that adds value to the relationship and synergy of the team. Prov 27:17.

To be collaborative you need to see others as collaborators not competitors.

You are a unit working together towards a common goal.

To be collaborative you need to be supportive not suspicious of others.

Assume other people’s motives are good unless proven otherwise.

To be collaborative you need to be selfless. Prefer others. Phil 2:3.

To be collaborative you need to be relational. Good relationships are the foundation of a good team.

To be collaborative you need to be intentional.

Being intentional is having a plan and a purpose.

Being intentional is knowing where you are going and why you are doing what you do.

It’s making everything count.

To be collaborative you need to be enlarging.

Being enlarging means adding value to others, not just looking out for yourself. Phil 2:4.

Promoting others and cheering them on when they succeed.